(Toronto, ON) The Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO) is urging Ontario drivers to follow the recommended steps to appropriately prepare for the winter roads ahead.
“Snow has already begun to fall in some parts of Ontario and will increase over the coming months,” said IBAO CEO Jim Murphy. “Getting your vehicles ready for the winter weather in advance is simply a matter of safety, and can avoid possible future collisions.”
Brokers recommend drivers take the following steps when preparing their cars this winter:
* Visit your local mechanic to have your car serviced.
* During your maintenance visit, ensure your technician assesses your battery, belts, hoses, radiator, oil, lights, exhaust system, heater/defroster, wipers, ignition system and most importantly, your brakes.
* Install four winter snow tires.
* Plan ahead. Check your local weather network for anticipated storms and always map out your route in advance. Also, do not be hesitant to cancel your trip altogether if the weather is poor.
The Ontario Ministry of Finance announced that as of January 1st, 2016 insurance companies are now required to provide a winter tire discount as part of their commitment to reduce insurance premiums. Ontario drivers are encouraged to contact their local broker regarding this discount as it varies by insurance company.
“Perhaps the most crucial message brokers want to share is the reminder to never drink and drive, or drive distracted,” added Murphy. “Impaired driving accounts for almost 25% of all fatalities on Ontario’s roads and the winter season is a tempting time to assume you can drive after engaging in holiday cheer. Instead, simply arrange for a designated driver, stay the night or take public transportation if needed. We want all Ontarians to stay safe this winter.”